My look: light yellow blazer

Too formal or not?

Hello my readers, i combined blue again+grey to added some of light i paired with a light  yellow blazer,,,,,,the printed of the shirt i like too day was different to others ones,,,first i went to class,then i ate hamburger and finally my mom put me a vaccine against influenza,,,


Hola mis lectores, hoy combine azul de nuevo con gris y para añadirle un poco de luz lo combine con un blazer amarillo clarito,,,,el estampado de esta camisa me gusta mi dia fue un poco diferente...primero fui a clase, luego comi hamburguesa junto con mi ma ( rompi la dieta jajajaa) y de ultimo mi ma me vacuno contra la influeza,,,,


You make my day better..

Leave your comments are so important for me..thanks for follow me

Have a great

Blazer--klassy, Pants--Glory of New York, boots--Paprika
